It is vital for an obese patient learn to manage their emotions related with the food
We must give intelligence to our emotions to learn to manage moments of anxiety, sadness, anger ... that incites us to satisfy it wrongly with food abuse
The right thing must be a management without interfering in the processes of food intake
Weight problems is generally are based behaviour and emotions promoted by such emotions
It is these that actually affect the way we proceed in the day to day respecting with the food
Short term
Long term
Emotional intelligence can be applied to any sector of the population, and to any patient regardless of the origin of their overweight.
Adults are supposed to have a deeper knowledge emotions, but this is not always, in fact, we constantly meet many adults who have a very low handling their emotions, making it difficult to greatly the fight against overweight
Overweight adults should be aware of the importance of their role in the education of their children, particularly in the emotional education that can help them to overcome future overweight
Second, but not least, we find the role of educators that has a decisive influence on the behaviour of underage
The emotional education that the educators can transmit now, in the future can develop healthy people with less overweight problems
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